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GMOD website feedback extension

In brief

A tool to allow anyone to submit a comment or feedback on any page of the GMOD wiki.

Possible plug in uses

  • Rate this page - give feedback on how easy/difficult a tutorial or piece of documentation is to follow
  • Geographic location - two possible uses:
    1. Express interest in having a GMOD workshop/meeting in a certain area
    2. Add your DB and location to the GMOD Users list
  • Generic feedback - send a message to GMOD help if something is broken (e.g. OpenID login!) or a mistake is found


  • clicking a link/button/icon brings up a form for submitting feedback
    • use jQuery to bring up form as a modal dialogue box
  • the extension should allow anyone, whether they are a member of the wiki or not, to give feedback
    • if the person is a logged-in wiki member, record their name
    • ask for name/email otherwise
  • form should be configurable
    • store the form in a Template page on the wiki? Or in its own namespace? See Mediawiki Widgets for examples of widgets in their own namespace
    • embed a locally-stored form (i.e. store the form html on the server and present it in an iframe)?
    • have the form content dynamically created from some sort of shorthand specification? e.g.
 [{ label = 'Name',
    name = username,
    type = text,
    value = ,
    required = true,
  { label = 'Rate the contents of this page',
    name = page_rating,
    type = radio,
    value = ['poor','ok','good'],
    required = true,
  • how do we stop users from sabotaging the form, either accidentally or deliberately?
    • security risks?
  • some method for blocking automated submissions is required -- i.e. a captcha
  • submitting and storing form data:
    • how/where to store it?
      • in the wiki itself
        • investigate how existing ratings extensions store their data
      • in a local text file or database
      • in a remote text file or db, e.g. in Google docs
      • email the data
  • can the plugin appear on every page in a category without having to manually add it to each page?