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VMware on Windows and Linux
A free VMware player is available for Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems from VMware. You will need to register to download it.

VMware on Mac OS X

Participants can also bring newer Macs with Intel processors. The Intel processor is a requirement for all the packages discussed below.

There is no free VMware player that runs directly under Mac OS X. However, there are several other options, all of which require an Intel Mac:

VMware Fusion
VMware Fusion ({{{1}}}) allows you to run VMware images, Windows and Linux under Mac OS. We recommend this option for Mac users. There is a fully functional, 30 day free trial version of VMware Fusion available for download.

Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) and Boot Camp
Boot Camp

The Leopard release of Mac OS (10.5) includes Boot Camp, a feature that allows you to boot your Mac into another operating system, including Windows or Linux. From there you can install the VMware player for your OS.*

* Apple tells you that you can partition your disk drive at any time using Boot Camp. In practice, this appears to only work easily when you first get your system.