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News/Postdoc Position in Computational and Plant Evolutionary Biology

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The project involves construction and analysis of plant gene families and phylogenies, particularly focusing on the large legume family, and development of a corresponding database and on-line tools for accessing and exploring gene families and associated annotations. Analysis of gene families and genes with known functions for better understanding of key events in evolution of selected plants and agronomic traits.

The primary research groups are located at Iowa State University (Ames, IA) and at National Center for Genome Resources (Santa Fe, NM). Remote work may be considered. This is a two-year position, with possibility for extension. Salary will be at competitive federal rates (>$50k). U.S. citizenship will not be a requirement for the position.

Applicants must have received Ph.D. in computational biology, bioinformatics, computer science, plant biology, genetics, or related discipline involving significant computational experience, statistics, and genetics.

If interested, please contact Steven Cannon.

Posted to the GMOD News on 2014/1/24