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News/Pathway Tools Workshop, August

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Registration is now open for this workshop. 2009/04/24
Pathway Tools Workshop

There will be a Pathway Tools Workshop, August 19-28, 2009 at SRI International. This two-part workshop covers Pathway Tools and the BioCyc Database Collection.

Part 1: Tutorial, August 19-21

This introductory tutorial will educate the new user on aspects of Pathway Tools including basic use of the Pathway/Genome Navigator, Editors, and PathoLogic. Students can bring a genome and leave with a draft Pathway/Genome Database.

Tutorial space is limited.

Part 2: Workshop August 24-28

The workshop will combine formal presentations by groups outside SRI International (invited speakers and speakers selected through an abstract-submission process), tutorials by SRI International staff, and a hackathon. Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

  • Share expertise on how to develop new organism-specific databases with Pathway Tools
  • Present new scientific results achieved with Pathway Tools and BioCyc
  • Share experiences on how to make the most of Pathway Tools
  • Presentations by users on extensions they have developed to Pathway Tools
  • Presentations by SRI International on recent and planned developments to the software, and on software APIs and the database schema, to educate users on how to compute with PGDBs
  • Discussions of requested future enhancements to Pathway Tools and BioCyc
  • Ideas for other software tools to integrate with Pathway Tools
  • Group development of new Pathway Tools enhancements

Should you wish to make a presentation at the meeting, please submit a proposed title and abstract to

Please check the following website for updates.

Posted to the GMOD News on 2009/04/07, updated 2009/04/24