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News/Opening at Dow AgroSciences

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Dow AgroSciences

Dow AgroSciences has a short term contract position available for someone with GMOD experience. The candidate proposed here will be responsible for three main tasks and several secondary ones:

  1. Install the open source software components for the Chado database, data loaders, and genome browser.
  2. Deploy the GBrowse genome browser in a centralized location in our intranet, which can be used by Dow AgroSciences scientists across functions.
  3. Test the system by performing preprocess (e.g annotate, perform alignments) and upload whole-genome data from Arabidopsis.
  4. Link the genome browser to Dow AgroSciences major internal databases, such as Variety, markerDB, QTL locate, and microarray database.
  5. Provide integration tests to ensure the transparency of the data among the different systems.
  6. Present to other Dow AgroSciences scientists to raise awareness of capability.
  7. Complete written documentation of project development, implementation, and continued maintenance.

Interested candidates please send a resume to Mindi Dippold at

Posted to the GMOD News on 2009/02/03