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News/GMOD at Arthropod Genomics

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There will be two GMOD related workshops at the Arthropod Genomics Symposium, April 10-13, 2008, in Kansas City.

  • Community Contributions to Genome Annotation - Christine Elsik of BeeBase will discuss how to install and use the Apollo genome annotation tool.
  • Chado: A Database Schema for Integrating Biological Data - Scott Cain and Dave Clements will cover Chado's logical concepts, the types of data it can represent, how to import and export data, and how Chado integrates with other GMOD components such as Apollo and GBrowse.

GMOD has a particularly strong presence in the arthropod community (e.g., BeetleBase, BeeBase, FlyBase, wFleaBase, ...). If you are an arthropod researcher interested in using GMOD Components then this meeting will be time well spent.

Early registration and poster abstract submissions are both open until February 29.

Posted to the GMOD News on 2008/01/21