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2016 Galaxy Community Conference
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The 2016 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2016) will be held June 25-29, at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, United states, immediately before the June 2016 GMOD Meeting, also in Bloomington. Galaxy is a GMOD Component which interacts with many other GMOD Components, including:

  • Tripal: A web front end for Chado databases. Galaxy is working with the Tripal project to make Galaxy be Tripal's analysis engine.
  • JBrowse: A client-side genome browser and successor to the venerable GBrowse. JBrowse as a Galaxy Tool was presented by Eric Rasche at GCC2015. Ian Holmes, the JBrowse PI, has put JBrowse-Galaxy integration at "top of the list" for JBrowse's infrastructure upcoming infrastructure work.
  • MAKER: A genome annotation pipeline that integrates several gene annotation engines, and combines them to produce annotation that is better than any individual tool produces. A MAKER-Galaxy by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada was presented at ISMB 2014.
  • InterMine and BioMart: These are both popular data sources that are integrated with Galaxy.

Galaxy Community Conferences are an opportunity to participate in presentations, discussions, poster sessions, lightning talks and breakouts, all about high-throughput biology and the tools that support it.  The conference also includes two days of training offering in-depth topic coverage across several concurrent sessions, and two days of hackathons.

Oral presentation abstract submission closes April 8; poster and demo abstract submission close May 20; and scholarship applications close May 1.

Posted to the GMOD News on 2016/04/04