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News/GBrowse 2.0

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With thanks to the many people who have worked long and hard on this project, as well as the people who found and reported bugs during the prerelease stage, I am happy I announce that GBrowse 2.00 is now available for downloading from CPAN, and SourceForge.

The following are highlights of the many new features that have been added since the 1.70 release:

  • A completely rewritten internal rearchitecture loads tracks asynchronously, providing a more responsive user experience.
  • Different database backends can be associated with each track, making backend management much simpler.
  • A revamped user interface for a less cluttered and more functional end-user experience.
  • A UI theming system with three predefined themes, including a cool "transparent" theme.
  • A custom track upload and management system gives users much greater control over custom tracks.
  • An optional admin interface allows an authorized user to upload and manage public tracks without editing config files.
  • An optional user registration and login system allows users to register stable GBrowse accounts and to keep their settings and custom tracks when they move from one computer to another.
  • Support for named subtracks (tracks within tracks) and filtering of those subtracks.
  • Support for next generation sequencing data.

There are also a number of features that didn't make it into the 2.00 release, most notably:

  • The internal DAS server does not work, although the DAS client (ability to import DAS tracks) does. This will be added in a 2.01 release.
  • Internationalization has lagged way behind, and so most of the new features will be presented in English rather than in the user's preferred language (volunteers are needed to help with translations).

Please send help queries to the GBrowse mailing list, and file bug reports at SourceForge.

On behalf of the GMOD team,

Lincoln Stein

Posted to the GMOD News on 2010/01/28