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GMOD Malaysia 2014

Revision as of 00:10, 3 January 2014 by Girlwithglasses (Talk | contribs)

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We are pleased to announce that GMOD will be running a three day training course in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at the end of February 2014.

Date: February 26-28, 2014

Venue: Hotel Ibis Styles Kuala Lumpur Fraser Business Park, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Cost and registration TBA by 3 January 2013. Discounted accommodation is available at the Hotel Ibis; please contact the hotel manager, Hazwani Sharif (, to book your room and mention that you are attending the GMOD training course to secure the discounted rate.

GMOD Malaysia offers an introduction to, and training in, the bioinformatics software offered by the Generic Model Organism Database project. Over three days, participants will learn about GMOD's free, open-source tools for visualising, storing, and disseminating genetic and genomic data. These include:

Tuition is by experienced instructors and developers with deep knowledge of the tools and their applications.

By the end of the course, participants will have hands-on experience of setting up and using core components needed for a modern genomics project.

This page will be updated as the details are confirmed. Please email the GMOD Help Desk to register your interest and be kept up to date on the news.