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Project Statistics

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Statistics and places to get statistics on the GMOD Project.

Web Site

Traffic to the GMOD website,, has been tracked since November 2007, first through AWStats and then using Google Analytics. No data is available for the period between January 2011 and July 2012.

2012 onwards

Website hits are now being measured using Google Analytics. Please note that Google Analytics uses a different method of collecting results, which is why there is such a difference between the figures from AWStats and those from Analytics.

Month of Year Unique Visitors Visits Pageviews New Visits
2012-07 23,002 29,339 51,538 22,968
2012-08 22,458 29,223 52,942 21,500
2012-09 19,466 25,666 47,188 18,379
2012-10 20,488 26,619 49,654 19,246
2012-11 20,780 26,903 49,806 19,560
2012-12 21,038 26,260 45,719 19,864
2013-01 23,935 30,951 57,497 22,733
2013-02 19,651 25,633 48,077 18,301
2013-03 23,774 30,854 54,946 22,293
2013-04 24,576 32,642 59,807 22,988
2013-05 36,437 44,591 73,733 34,734
2013-06 43,869 52,947 84,861 41,795
2013-07 37,438 46,963 81,031 35,194
2013-08 28,185 35,085 59,603 26,374
2013-09 21,790 27606 46,142 20,207
2013-10 13,173 15,119 21,501 12,271
2013-11 12,692 14,387 19,523 11,904
2013-12 14,340 15,922 20,551 13,663
2014-01 23,727 26,260 34,179 22,914


Website hits were measured using AWStats during this period.

By Month monthly visitors

AWStats does not measure new visits, but the column has been left in for consistency.

Month of Year Unique Visitors Visits Pageviews New Visits
2007-11* 5698 8359 57353
2007-12 12998 19768 48527
2008-01 14940 23944 64760
2008-02 14393 22641 66698
2008-03 16199 30275 89799
2008-04 17942 30708 86401
2008-05 17848 30109 90081
2008-06 20012 32697 89789
2008-07 18350 33436 83218
2008-08 18491 30679 76514
2008-09 15877 25054 69782
2008-10 16109 26661 76248
2008-11 15657 27524 98984
2008-12 15716 27041 65991
2009-01 16820 30454 79953
2009-02 16616 29740 73542
2009-03 19560 34022 88291
2009-04 19343 31309 84973
2009-05 18254 27179 75503
2009-06 18364 28361 77664
2009-07 19529 29195 86180
2009-08 19017 28921 80007
2009-09 18737 29800 87966
2009-10 19068 31569 101654
2009-11 18805 31742 98863
2009-12 18952 30681 93991
2010-01 21265 33483 97861
2010-02 20518 32921 96617
2010-03 22631 36819 102694
2010-04 21494 32912 90138
2010-05 23740 35454 93229
2010-06 24654 37228 106468
2010-07 26551 39740 109516
2010-08 26016 39598 106543
2010-09 24127 38040 105814
2010-10 24318 38256 101367
2010-11 23466 37522 103603
2010-12 21490 34235 89198

* Partial results

By Year

Year Unique Visitors Visits Pageviews New Visits
*2007 ** 28127 105880
2008 ** 340769 958265
2009 ** 362973 1028587
2010 ** 436208 1203048
Total ** 1168077 3295780

* Partial results

** Summing unique visitors from multiple months is not meaningful.

See Also

Sourceforge Statistics Pages

These show web traffic, downloads, and version control activity for the projects.

SourceForge Project



Date Meeting Registrations Comments Evaluation
2007-11 November 2007 GMOD Meeting 39
2008-07 July 2008 GMOD Meeting 31 First meeting held outside the United States, in Toronto, Canada.
2009-01 January 2009 GMOD Meeting 57 At meeting room capacity. Feedback
2009-08 August 2009 GMOD Meeting 45 First meeting held outside North America, in Oxford, UK. Feedback
2010-01 January 2010 GMOD Meeting 46 Held after PAG 2010 Feedback
2010-09 September 2010 GMOD Meeting 42 Second meeting held outside North America, in Cambridge, UK, as part of GMOD Europe 2010, which included 3 other events. Total attendance at GMOD Europe 2010 was approximately 60 people. Feedback
2011-03 March 2011 GMOD Meeting 31 At NESCent, as part of GMOD Americas 2011, which included 3 other events. Total attendance at GMOD Americas 2011 was 55 people. Feedback
2011-10 October 2011 GMOD Meeting 40 (at capacity) At the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR).
2012-04 April 2012 GMOD Meeting 81 Washington DC
2013-04 April 2013 GMOD Meeting tba Cambridge, UK
2014-01 Jan 2014 GMOD Meeting 35 San Diego, USA

GMOD Schools

School Days Location Components Instructors Applications Participants Men Women Geography
2008 GMOD Summer School
first school ever offered
2.5 NESCent 5 4 29 25 20 5 from 15 states and 4 countries
2009 GMOD Summer School - Americas 4.0 NESCent 8 9 52 25 21 4 from 15 states and 4 countries, including India and Brazil.
2009 GMOD Summer School - Europe
First school outside of NESCent.
3.5 University of Oxford 7 10 58 25 20 5 from 9 countries, including Kenya and Macau; instructors from 3 countries
2010 GMOD Summer School - Americas 4.0 NESCent 8 8 62 25 17 8 from 16 states and 4 countries, including Ireland and Spain.
2011 GMOD Spring Training 5.0 NEScent 10 8 55 25 20 5 from 13 states and 4 countries, including South Africa and Portugal.
2012 GMOD Summer School 5.0 NEScent 10 8 28 18 14 4 from 7 states and 5 countries, including the UK, India, and the Phillipines
2013 GMOD Summer School 5.0 NEScent 10 8 42 24 14 10 from 14 states and 5 countries, including Brazil, India, Spain, and Switzerland
GMOD Malaysia 2014 3.0 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 11 4 41 21 14 7 all over Malaysia, Japan

Mailing Lists

GMOD Mailing Lists are hosted all over the place. Since June of 2010, there is a single Nabble Archive for all GMOD lists, but before that the archives, like the lists, are spread out all over. Therefore, getting a comprehensive picture of email traffic and subscribers is very difficult. For any lists hosted at Sourceforge, email traffic numbers are available on a monthly or even daily basis. For other lists, this can be harder to come by.

Subscriber counts are even more problematic. The number of subscribers over time is not archived by mailing list software, and the number of subscribers currently on a list is often only available to the list admin. Therefore we only have subscriber counts for a limited number of lists, and only for the time points that we actually bothered to record the numbers.

See also Components below.

Mailing List Subscriber Counts

Numbers are only shown for lists where we have access to this information.

List 2008/02 2009/08 2010/12 Description
gmod-ajax 49 89 143 javascript interfaces for GMOD centered around JBrowse
gmod-announce 126 152 174 A moderated, low traffic list for announcements of meetings and software release
gmod-architecture 55 69 78 mailing list for the architecture working group
gmod-cmap 57 72 80 Discussion of the CMAP comparative map viewer
gmod-devel 127 153 166 GMOD developer's mailing list
gmod-gbrowse 210 333 442 Discussion of GBrowse
gmod-schema 148 194 213 For discussion of Chado
ergatis-announce 16 18 general Ergatis announcements
ergatis-devel 22 23 Ergatis developer communication
ergatis-users 24 36 Ergatis user communication and general help
isga-users 9 ISGA user communication and general help
gmod-ware-users 15 Modware user communication and general help
sybil-info 8 Sybil user communication and general help
turnkey-devel 15 Turnkey development
turnkey-users 10 Turnkey user list
gmod-cogephy 0 Comparative genomics, phylogeny and related topics. Created in 2010/12
gmod-phendiver 0 Phenotype, natural diversity and related topics. Created in 2010/12
galaxy-user 1681 Support list for users of the Galaxy public server. Note: The 2010/12 numbers are from 2011/01.
galaxy-dev 280 Support list for Galaxy developers and those deploying Galaxy locally. Note: The 2010/12 numbers are from 2011/01.

Mailing List Volume

Postings per month is readily available for any mailing list hosted by Sourceforge. And, at some point, we should summarize that information here. Raw data is available as GMOD Mailing List Statistics.


SourceForge Download Statistics

Download statistics are available for projects hosted on the GMOD SourceForge page. See SourceForge Download Statistics for the raw data.


GBrowse 2 Registrations

When users install GBrowse2, they are given the option of reporting their registration, resulting in an email to GMOD project staff. Since the registration was turned on January 27, 2010, through November 4 (9 months), we've received 1832 registrations, 656 of which are from unique hosts. This comes to 203 registrations per month total, 72 registrations/mo on unique hosts. The true number of installations is higher, because people can choose not to send in registrations.


See the Galaxy Project Statistics page.

Community Surveys