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This [[JBrowse]] tutorial was presented by [[User:RobertBuels|Robert Buels]] at the [[2012 GMOD Summer School]].
#REDIRECT [[JBrowse Tutorial 2013]]
== Prerequisites ==
These have <b>already been set up</b> on the VM image.
Optional, for generating images from Wiggle files:
* libpng12-0
* libpng12-dev
* a C++ compiler
Optional, for BAM files (<tt></tt> tries to install these for you in the JBrowse directory):
* samtools, and its dependency libncurses5-dev
* perl module: {{CPAN|Bio::DB::SAM}}
Other prerequisites are installed by JBrowse automatically.
<div class="dont">
This is how they were installed: <b>(don't do this)</b>
<pre class="dont">
$ sudo apt-get install libpng12-0 libpng12-dev build-essential libncurses5-dev
Make sure you can copy/paste from the wiki.
It's also very useful to know how to tab-complete in the shell.
== JBrowse Introduction ==
How and why [[JBrowse]] is different from most other web-based genome browsers, including [[GBrowse]].
More detail: [ paper]
[[Media:JBrowse_gmod_aug2012.pdf|JBrowse presentation]]
== JBrowse Architecture ==
== Setting up JBrowse ==
=== Getting JBrowse ===
* prepare a directory for JBrowse
$ <span class="enter">cd /var/www</span>
$ <span class="enter">sudo mkdir jbrowse_demo</span>
$ <span class="enter">sudo chown ubuntu.ubuntu jbrowse_demo</span>
$ <span class="enter">cd jbrowse_demo</span>
* download the demo bundle from and unzip it
$ <span class="enter">wget</span>
$ <span class="enter">unzip</span>
$ <span class="enter">unzip</span>
$ <span class="enter">mv JBrowse-1.6.0-min jbrowse</span>
* run <code></code> to configure this copy of JBrowse
$ <span class="enter">cd jbrowse</span>
$ <span class="enter">./</span>
=== Starting Point ===
Visit in web browser: <nowiki>http://</nowiki>{{Template:AWSurl}}/jbrowse_demo/jbrowse/
You should see just a blank white page.
=== Basic Steps ===
Setting up a JBrowse instance with feature data goes in three basic steps:
# Specify reference sequences
# Load feature data
# Index feature names
=== If you didn't follow along in the chado session ===
We'll be using the chado database from the chado session; if you didn't follow along exactly, re-load the database like so:
$ dropdb chado
$ createdb chado
$ bzip2 -cd ~/Documents/Software/schema/chado/complete_db.bz2 | psql chado
=== Data from a directory of files ===
Here, we'll use the {{CPAN|Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store}} adaptor in "memory" mode to read a directory of files.  There are adaptors available for use with many other databases, such as [[Chado]] and {{CPAN|Bio::DB::GFF}}.
Config file:
  "description": "GMOD Summer School 2012 P. ultima Example",
  "db_adaptor": "Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store",
  "db_args" : {
      "-adaptor" : "memory",
      "-dir" : ".."
==== Specify reference sequences ====
The first script to run is <tt>bin/</tt>; that script is the way you tell JBrowse about what your reference sequences are.  Running <tt>bin/</tt> also sets up the "DNA" track.
Run this from within the <tt>jbrowse</tt> directory (you could run it elsewhere, but you'd have to explicitly specify the location of the data directory on the command line).
$ <span class="enter">cd /var/www/jbrowse_demo/jbrowse</span>
$ <span class="enter">bin/ --gff ../scf1117875582023.gff</span>
Refresh it in your web browser, you should new see the JBrowse UI and a sequence track, which will show you the DNA base pairs if you zoom in far enough.
==== Load Feature Data ====
Next, we'll use <tt></tt> to get feature data out of the database and turn it into [[Glossary#JSON|JSON]] data that the web browser can use.
In this case, we have specified all of our track configurations in <code>pythium-1.conf</code>.
    "class": "feature"
"tracks": [
      "track": "Genes",
      "key": "Genes",
      "feature": ["mRNA"],
      "autocomplete": "all",
      "class": "transcript",
      "subfeature_classes" : {
            "CDS" : "transcript-CDS",
            "UTR" : "transcript-UTR"
      "arrowheadClass" : "arrowhead"
<tt>track</tt> specifies the track identifier (a unique name for the track, for the software to use).  This should be just letters and numbers and - and _ characters; using other characters makes things less convenient.
<tt>key</tt> specifies a human-friendly name for the track, which can use any characters you want.
<tt>feature</tt> gives a list of feature types to include in the track.
<tt>autocomplete</tt> including this setting makes the features in the track searchable.
<tt>urltemplate</tt> specifies a URL pattern that you can use to link genomic features to specific web pages.
<tt>class</tt> specifies the [[Glossary#CSS|CSS]] class that describes how the feature should look.
For this particular track, I've specified the <tt>transcript</tt> feature class.
Run the <tt>bin/</tt> script with this config file to format this track, and the others in the file:
$ <span class="enter">bin/ --conf ../pythium-1.conf</span>
Refresh JBrowse in your web browser.  You should now see a bunch of annotation tracks.
==== Index feature names ====
When you generate JSON for a track, if you specify <tt>"autocomplete"</tt> then a listing of all of the feature names from that track (along with feature locations) will also be generated and used to provide feature searching and autocompletion.
The <tt>bin/</tt> script collects those lists of names from all the tracks and combines them into one big tree that the client uses to search.
$ <span class="enter">bin/ -v</span>
Visit in web browser, try typing a feature name, such as '''maker-scf1117875582023-snap-gene-0.26-mRNA-1'''.  Notice that JBrowse tries to auto-complete what you type.
=== Data from flat files ===
We're going to add a couple more tracks that come from <tt>repeats.gff</tt>, a different flat file.
==== Features ====
To get feature data from flat files into JBrowse, use <tt></tt>.
* We'll add a RepeatMasker track:
$ <span class="enter">bin/ --trackLabel repeatmasker \
    --type match:repeatmasker --getType --getSubfeatures --key RepeatMasker \
    --arrowheadClass arrowhead --className generic_parent \
    --subfeatureClasses '{"match_part" : "feature"}' --gff ../repeats.gff</span>
* And then a RepeatRunner track:
$ <span class="enter">bin/ --trackLabel repeatrunner \
    --type protein_match:repeatrunner --getType --getSubfeatures \
    --key RepeatRunner --arrowheadClass arrowhead --className generic_parent \
    --subfeatureClasses '{"match_part" : "feature"}' --gff ../repeats.gff</span>
Visit in web browser; you should see the two new RepeatMasker and RepeatRunner tracks.
==== BAM data ====
Now let's add some simulated short-read alignments from a BAM file.  To import data from a BAM source:
$ <span class="enter"> bin/ \
    --bam ../simulated-sorted.bam \
    --tracklabel BAM_data --key "BAM Data"
=== Quantitative data ===
==== BigWig ====
JBrowse can display quantitative data directly from a BigWig file on your web server.  Simply place the BigWig file in a directory accessible to your web server, and add a snippet of configuration to JBrowse to add the track, similar to:
        "label" : "bam_coverage",
        "key" : "BAM coverage",
        "storeClass" : "BigWig",
        "urlTemplate" : "../../",
        "type" : "Wiggle",
        "variance_band" : true
This can be added by either editing the <tt>data/trackList.json</tt> file with a text editor, or by running something like this at the command line to inject the track configuration:
$ <span class="enter">echo ' {
        "label" : "bam_coverage",
        "key" : "BAM coverage",
        "storeClass" : "BigWig",
        "urlTemplate" : "../../",
        "type" : "Wiggle",
        "variance_band" : true
      } ' | bin/ data/trackList.json</span>
==== Tiled Images ====
JBrowse also has a formatter that converts wiggle-format data to image tiles.  JBrowse does this with a C++ program, <code></code> attempts to compile for you.
There isn't any Pythium wiggle example data for this class, but the command to make image tiles from a wiggle file takes the form:
$ <span class="enter">bin/ --wig /path/to/wiggle.wig \
    --tracklabel "coverage_wig" --key "Wiggle Coverage" --min 0 --max 50</span>
=== Faceted Track Selection ===
JBrowse has a new, very powerful faceted track selector that can be used to search for tracks using metadata associated with them.
The track metadata is kept in a CSV-format file, with any number of columns, and with a "label" column whose contents must correspond to the track labels in the JBrowse configuration.
The demo bundle contains an example <tt>trackMetadata.csv</tt> file, which can be copied into the <tt>data</tt> directory for use with this configuration.
$ <span class="enter">cp trackMetadata.csv jbrowse/data</span>
Then a simple faceted track selection configuration might look like:
  trackSelector: {
      type: 'Faceted',
  trackMetadata: {
      sources: [
          { type: 'csv', url: 'data/trackMetadata.csv' }
The <tt>jbrowse_conf.json</tt> file in the <tt>jbrowse</tt> directory already conveniently contains this stanza, commented out.  Uncomment it, refresh your browser, and you should now see the faceted track selector activated.
== Upgrading an Existing JBrowse ==
If the old JBrowse is 1.3.0 or later, simply move the data directory from the old JBrowse directory into the new JBrowse directory.
== Common Problems ==
* JSON syntax errors
== Future JBrowse Plans ==
See the [[Media:JBrowse_gmod_aug2012.pdf|accompanying slides (PDF)]]
== Other links ==
* Config file ref:
* DIV test:
[[Category:2012 Summer School]]

Latest revision as of 16:02, 22 July 2013