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C briggsae.syn

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This is the species database for C. briggsae. This is one of the three species currently represented in the instance of GBrowse_syn that is installed at WormBase. The species config file con be a normal GBrowse config file or can a a simplified version as shown here.

return to GBrowse_syn

description   = C. briggsae Database
db_adaptor    = Bio::DB::GFF
db_args       = -adaptor dbi::mysql
                -dsn dbi:mysql:c_briggsae
                -user nobody

plugins = GFFDumper

aggregators = gene{coding_exon}

# Web site configuration info
buttons     = images/buttons
tmpimages   = tmp

# max and default segment sizes for detailed view
max segment     = 400000

automatic classes = CDS Transcript

label        = 1
description  = 1
feature      = gene
category     = Genes
glyph        = transcript2
utr_color    = gray
font2color   = blue
height  = 6
key          = Gene Models
description = 1
label = 1
bgcolor = sub {
  my $flip = pop->panel->flip;
  my $strand = shift->strand;
  return $strand < 0 ? 'violet' : 'turquoise' if $flip;
  return $strand > 0 ? 'violet' : 'turquoise';

label = 0
description = 0

glyph   = generic
feature = CDS