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October 2004 GMOD Meeting

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Generic Model Organism Database Construction Set

Meeting 5

October 4-5, 2004

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


9:00am Introductions
Scott Cain, GMOD coordinator
9:15 Project updates (short!)
10:45 Break
11:00 gmod, gmod-web and future directions
Scott Cain
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Progress on Apollo and chado
Mark Gibson, BDGP
Guanming Wu, CSHL
2:30 Break
3:00 EST Clustering tools
Feng Sun, Pratt Lab, University of Georgia
<a href="">Huang Yecheng, Gingle Lab, University of Georgia</a>

October 5, Gerry Conference room, Marks Laboratory

9:30 <a href="">GenePattern for MicroArray analysis</a>
Ted Liefeld, Broad Institute
10:30 Break
11:00 <a href="">SynBrowse: A Synteny Browser for Comparative Sequence Analysis</a>
Xiaokang Pan, Iowa State University
12:00 Lunch
1:00 <a href="">GMDOTools</a>
Don Gilbert, Indiana University
2:30 Discussion, wrap up, and what to do next
Scott Cain