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News/2009 GMOD Summer Schools

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We are now accepting applications for the 2009 GMOD Summer Schools. GMOD Summer Schools are hands-on multi-day courses aimed at teaching new GMOD users how to get up and running with GMOD. Summer schools introduce participants to the GMOD project and focus on installation, configuration and integration of popular GMOD Components. In 2009 we are proud to offer two schools, one on each side of the Atlantic:

{{#icon: 2009SummerSchoolAmericas170.png|Americas 2009 GMOD Summer School - Americas}} Americas
16-19 July
Durham NC

The courses include sessions on these popular GMOD components:

{{#icon: GMOD2009Europe170.png|Europe 2009 GMOD Summer School - Europe}} Europe
3-6 August
Oxford University
Oxford UK

The European summer school is part of GMOD Europe 2009, a week long event which also includes the August 2009 GMOD Meeting. This is the first time a GMOD Summer School or GMOD meeting will be held outside of North America.


Dave Clements
GMOD Help Desk

Posted to the GMOD News on 2009/03/15, updated 2009/04/06, 2008/04/27