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Precompiled Chado Databases

Revision as of 17:29, 4 August 2014 by Eric Rasche (Talk | contribs)

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Chado database dumps of precompiled ontologies are publicly available to save Chado users the time and hassle of downloading and compiling the ontologies themselves.

Go to the download site.

The ontologies currently available are:

  • Chado Feature Properties
  • Gene Ontology
  • Plant Ontology
  • Relationship Ontology
  • Sequence Ontology

These are updated weekly; the workflow is as follows:

  • clone Chado from SVN
  • build
  • load ontologies
  • dump database as SQL
  • upload to a publicly accessible webserver

Note that none of the Chado-related scripts are installed, and the GMOD conf files are not created in GMOD_ROOT. For remote access (e.g., via Artemis), and tools that do not make use of GMOD_ROOT locally, this is not a problem.

These database dumps are kindly provided by Eric Rasche and the Center for Phage Technology at Texas A&M University. Please contact Eric if you are interested in having:

  • other ontologies added to the dumps
  • other builds with different (sub)sets of ontologies
  • archived copies of schemas over time.

All of these features can be added on request.